How do I wire the trigger/input signals with a
common neutral?

A short guide on how to wire the tigger/input signals for your Nexus unit with a common neutral connector

Step 1

The Trigger Signals are located inside the unit on the right side board. If you are looking to wire Common Input trigger signals with a Common Neutral use the 2 way connector and 9 way A rail shown here.

Step 2

Wire the Common Neutral into the two way and connect your Trigger Connections into slots 1-8 in the 9 way connector as required.

Step 3

Place the Common Neutral connector back into the two way slot shown below.

Step 4

Connect any common trigger signals into the A rail as shown.

Step 5

Confirm that the Dip switches are in the BOTTOM position for the Common Neutral.

Step 6

The last step is to define if the trigger signals are HIGH or LOW. High are for voltages between 110-240 volts. Low is for voltages between 12-24 volts.

Wiring the trigger
– Wiring the input
– Trigger
– Signal
– Common

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