How do I connect to my Nexus unit using the Nexus Portal?
A short article on how to connect to your Nexus system using the Nexus Portal.
To connect to your Nexus system first navigate to the Nexus System menu from the home page. Here you will see a list of all the Nexus systems available on your account. Locate the unit you wish to connect to and click on it, this will open up a menu allowing you to pick the Connect to Unit button. This will begin to download all the settings from your Nexus unit and will display them once complete.
If you receive an error please check the network connections on your Nexus unit and try again.
– Nexus Portal
– How do I connect to my Nexus unit using the Nexus Portal?
– How do I connect to my Nexus unit?
– Connect to my Nexus unit
– Connect
– Connecting to my unit
– Nexus unit connection?
– Edit unit configuration
– How do I edit my unit configuration?
– Connect and edit