How do I adjust the pump speed, calibration values and unit of measurement of my Nexus system on the Nexus Portal?
A short article on how to adjust the individual pump speeds, calibration values and unit of measurement on the Nexus Portal.
Once you have connected to your Nexus system (How do I connect to my Nexus unit using the Nexus Portal?) you can adjust the individual pump speeds, the calibration values and the unit of measurement using the Pump Speed box. Once you are happy with the changes use the Write button to send these to the unit.
PLEASE NOTE – If you adjust the unit of measurement it will effect any programs you have created. So please check these before writing to the system.
– Nexus Portal
– How do I adjust the pump speed, calibration values and unit of measurement of my Nexus system on the Nexus Portal?
– How do I adjust the pump speed of my Nexus system?
– How do I adjust the calibration values of my Nexus system?
– How do I adjust the unit of measurement of my Nexus system?
– Adjust pump speed
– Change pump speed
– Set pump speed
– Pump speed
– Adjust calibration values
– Change calibration values
– Adjust calibration values
– Calibration values
– Change unit of measurement
– Set unit of measurement
– Unit of measurement