How do I edit the unit mode of my Nexus system using the Nexus Portal?
A short article on how to edit the unit mode of your Nexus unit using the Nexus Portal.
Once you have connected to your desired Nexus system (How do I connect to my Nexus unit using the Nexus Portal?) you can locate the unit mode settings at the top of the configuration screen. Use the check boxes in the Mode box to switch to the desired mode and press the Write button in the bottom left to send these changes to the unit.
PLEASE NOTE – When changing your unit mode it will effect existing programs created, so please check these are correct before saving the settings.
– Nexus Portal
– How do I edit the unit mode of my Nexus system using the Nexus Portal?
– How do I edit the unit mode of my Nexus system?
– Edit unit mode
– Unit mode
– Change unit mode
– Switch unit mode